COMPASS 15 type name

Practical NCC 'B' AND 'C' Certificate | COMPASS 15 type name | #nccexam #nnshorts

How to construct 15 Degree Angle | how to construct 15 degree angle using compass

Points of the Compass

Protractor Pffft! Use A Compass For This #shorts

Navigation - Compass Error

Geometry Constructions (15 Must Know Types) with Compass and Straightedge

Construction of angle of 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165 and 180 degree new

What is compass ? | Working of compass | Compass | Magnet | Learn to Remember

how to construct 45 degree angle using compass | 45° angle

how to construct 30 degree angle using compass | 30° angle

Calculate compass Error in 10 seconds #navigation #merchantnavy #study #officer

45 degree angle using compass | 45° angle #viral #shorts #construction

105 degree angle with compass

how to construct 105 degree angle using compass | 105° angle

75 degree angle with compass | 75° Angle Construction

135 degree angle with compass | 135° Angle Construction

75 degree angle using compass | 75° Angle

60 degree angle with compass | Construction of equilateral triangle

120 degree angle with compass | 120° Angle Construction

150 degree angle with compass | 50° Angle

constructing an angle of 30° degree || How to construct 30° degrees

how to construct 60 degree angle using compass | 60° angle

how to construct 135 degree angle using compass | 135° angle